Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hey there!

This is one of the pictures that Javier Erhard (a friend photographer) took for the local magazine I had already told you, but I forgot to post it before. What do you think?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Hey readers!!!
I’m so happy spring is nearly here, I cant wait to start using all my pretty spring dresses, and I am no longer sick so that’s just fantastic.
Next week I’m going to Guadalajara for a David Guetta’s concert, I hope they let me get in with my camera to show you all the fun I’m going to have (hopefully).

Today I had to wear my fur scarf cause I don’t think I’ll be using it for a while, with my really old shirt that I bought when I was in London which I totally adore, with blue tights and white Socks

Hope u like it!!!

Pull and bear skirt
Prymark shirt
Zara flats